CV. Sampurna Jaya

Perusahaan CV. Sampurna Jaya berdiri sejak tanggal 14 Februari 2003. Melayani jasa Telekomunikasi Warung Telkom (Wartel), Agen Isi ulang pulsa elektronik (M-Pulsa), Warnet (Sampurna.Net), Games Center.
Company Brief History
The company built in 2003 named CV. Sampurna Jaya.The certificate made by Notary Tn. Dradjat Darmadji, S.H. number 99, dated February 14, 2003.

Owners :
Since it built in 2003 the onwers is as follows:

- Tn. SUROSO : Commisioner
- Tn. Afri Sujarwanto, ST : President Director

Form of Indusrty :
Through the present form of industry which has done are:

* Computer Program, Web Design, lAN, hardwere and softwere
* Telecomunication Product and Supplies
* Furniture Product and Supplies
* Mechanical and Electronic Supplies
Posted by Sampurna Jaya, CV, Thursday, February 8, 2007 2/08/2007 03:32:00 PM